Publishing Web Platform Design Concept

Image dribbble shot: Publishing Web Platform Design Concept

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Hi all! We're excited to present our design concept for a service dedicated to the publication of articles. Let's take a deeper look!

The homepage displays a news feed where users can switch between categories, view popular articles, switch languages, access their profiles, and receive notifications. On the second screen, users can read, rate, and save articles for later.

Image dribbble shot: Publishing Web Platform Design Concept
Image dribbble shot: Publishing Web Platform Design Concept

For the layout, we chose a neutral, light background akin to a newspaper page, complemented by vivid lilac and green hues to add a modern touch.

The defining characteristic of this design is its clean typography and minimalistic details, ensuring an uncluttered and comfortable reading experience, which allows users to focus solely on the content.

Image dribbble shot: Publishing Web Platform Design Concept

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Image dribbble shot: Publishing Web Platform Design Concept
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