Services for startups

App development services for startups

At Ronas IT, we specialize in providing comprehensive app development services tailored specifically for startups. We're adept at creating minimum viable products (MVP) to help startups test their ideas in the market quickly and gain valuable user feedback.

When should you consider app development services?

Our team of expert developers and designers works closely with budding entrepreneurs and innovative visionaries to transform ideas into efficient, user-friendly mobile applications.

Our services are well–suited for you if:

You have a creative app concept and require skilled professionals to materialize it.
You seek comprehensive guidance and support throughout the app development lifecycle.
You desire to collaborate with a dedicated team consistently focused on achieving your app's success.
You need to integrate cutting-edge technologies or industry-specific features to set your app apart from competitors and create a unique value proposition for your target audience.
What do you get with our app development services for startups?

Market-ready MVP

From banking apps to blockchain-based solutions, our team is equipped to handle projects of all scales and complexities, helping startups build robust, secure, and user-friendly applications.

Custom app design

We develop retail software, including POS systems, inventory management, CRM, and solutions for loyalty programs. Providing services for startups, we aim to optimize business operations and improve customer engagement and the overall experience.

Essential features

We develop scalable e-commerce platforms, complete with payment gateways and analytics tools that help startups create seamless and intuitive shopping experiences for their customers.

Releases on app stores

We create innovative transportation solutions, such as ridesharing and taxi apps, route optimization tools, and smart traffic management systems.

Support and maintenance

Our services for startups help them create innovative, user-centric solutions such as property listing platforms, virtual tours, and smart home apps that let people buy, sell, and manage properties.

App development process:

By customizing our approach to suit the unique needs and budget constraints of every startup, we ensure an exceptional final product that aligns with their goals and paves the way for success in the competitive app market.


Our app development process is designed to transform your startup's vision into a fully functional and user-friendly product. Here's a breakdown of our step-by-step approach:

  • 1
    Gather requirements.
    Our initial focus is to thoroughly understand your business's needs and objectives. Our analysts evaluate the project scope, prioritize features, and estimate the time and cost required to deliver the desired outcome.
  • 2
    Create UI/UX design.
    Based on the analytics results, our UI/UX designers craft a visually appealing interface that incorporates your company's brand identity. The resultant UI Kit is versatile and scalable for future enhancements.
  • 3
    Plan 2–3 week sprints.
    We adopt an agile approach, working in short sprints to ensure tangible progress after each phase. You receive updates such as app versions or site updates, allowing you to evaluate and track our progress.
  • 4
    Establish scalable architecture and write clear code.
    When providing app development services for startups, our engineering team prioritizes feature development according to the project plan. Front-end and back-end teams collaborate seamlessly to implement core functionalities.
  • 5
    Ensure software stability.
    We conduct automated tests and utilize error-tracking tools on the completed product to identify and rectify any bugs or inconsistencies.
  • 6
    Release software to the store.
    Our expertise in iOS and Android guidelines ensures a smooth and quick release to app stores. With a proven track record of over 80 app releases, we have the experience to avoid common pitfalls during the launch process.
  • 7
    Provide post-release maintenance.
    Our commitment to your startup continues even after the initial release. We update the software based on user feedback, add new features, and fix any latent bugs, helping your product thrive in the competitive app market.

Why React Native is our top choice for app development services catered to startups:

Time efficiency

React Native's single JavaScript codebase enables code sharing across iOS and Android platforms, accelerating development processes and allowing startups to get their products to market faster.


The unified codebase approach reduces maintenance costs by eliminating the need to write new features and fix bugs separately for each platform. It also simplifies the management of application development and streamlines the resources involved.


React Native offers exceptional flexibility for startups aiming to evolve their applications rapidly. The framework incorporates a vast selection of ready-to-use solutions, including over-the-air (OTA) updates, push notifications, analytic tools, dynamic links, and more.

Code reusability

React Native shares the same code and logic as React.js, enabling startups to reuse code for frontend development if needed. As a result, you can seamlessly integrate web and mobile applications using the same codebase, promoting consistency in design and functionality across platforms.

Official store distribution

Wrapped in a native bundle, React Native applications can be easily distributed. With it, you can effortlessly deploy the app on both the App Store and Google Play, ensuring it reaches a vast audience of potential users, just like any native application would.

Enhanced user experience

React Native's performance is comparable to native apps, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience. By offering the same as native performance, startups can deliver high-quality products that meet user expectations and drive engagement.

Embrace the power of React Native and enjoy the same advantages as native apps while maximizing the efficiency.
Costs and time
Cost range
Time to develop
3–4 months
The upper limit of terms and costs can vary depending on an app’s complexity
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How can app development services help startups validate their business ideas?
App development services can assist startups in creating minimum viable products (MVPs), which are early versions of the app, featuring core functionalities. MVPs allow startups to gather user feedback, assess market viability, and make data-driven decisions to refine their product and business strategy.
How much does it cost to develop an app for a startup?
The cost of app development depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the app, the platform it is being developed for, the design elements involved, and the overall time it takes to develop the app. We can provide you with a detailed estimate after understanding your app requirements and scope.
Why do startups choose React Native so often for app development?
Startups frequently opt for React Native due to its cost-effectiveness, rapid development, wide support, and improved performance. Leveraging React Native's capabilities allows startups to build high-quality applications while conserving resources.
How can app development services for startups help in attracting investors?
App development for startups that results in a well-designed MVP or a fully functional product can significantly increase the chances of attracting investors. A polished app shows the startup's potential, the team's technical expertise, and the viability of the business idea. It also provides investors with a tangible representation of the startup's vision and progress.
How do app development services for startups differ from app development for established companies?
App development for startups typically focuses on agility and adaptability to accommodate their unique needs. Startups often aim to quickly validate their ideas using MVPs. This necessitates a development process that emphasizes rapid prototyping, iterative improvements, and efficient use of available resources, while still delivering a high-quality product.
Is there a charge for my project's estimation?
No, there isn't. Before commencing the development process, we discuss the scope of work, costs, and deadlines with you. Following the initial call, you will receive a detailed breakdown outlining the time required for design and development and the costs allocated to each feature, along with management expenses. This comprehensive estimate ensures transparency with our clients from the very beginning. Read more about our estimation methods here.

Getting started is simple!

Just get in touch with us through our contact form or email and our team will reach out to you for a detailed discussion about your app requirements.
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