
Custom Software Solutions

We share 15 years of development expertise to help you grow your business. By specializing in startups and small businesses, we create products that meet market needs and solve users' problems.


Our Services

Web Development
Web Development
Web Development
We provide our development experience to make the product work the way you mean it, from a simple corporate site to a high-load SaaS app.
Native Mobile Development
Native Mobile Development
Native Mobile Development
We create mobile apps according to iOS and Android guidelines to make your product user-friendly on both platforms.
Cross-platform Mobile Development
Cross-platform Mobile Development
Cross-platform Mobile Development
We use React Native to create a native-like minimum viable product (MVP) to quickly validate the idea in the market.
developers in an independent team
years of experience
repeat customers

How we create custom software solutions

We apply an agile-like approach, setting up the tailored software development in sprints of 2–3 weeks. This approach allows us to work with rapidly changing requirements and adjust to market demands.

  • 1
    Our experts gather your requirements
    It may include your designs, tech points, and business goals. Defining the scope and prioritizing the features help us find the best solution for you and your clients.
  • 2
    We build a transparent and predictable development process by planning sprints
    The result of each sprint is something that our clients can already check — a test version for a mobile app or a website on a dev/staging environment.
  • 3
    Our team helps you with bringing web apps into production and mobile apps into stores
    We help you release your custom software solution as we have helped more than 80 clients before. We know all possible reasons for rejection and make sure your app is delivered to users.
  • 4
    Ronas IT services include post-release support
    To guarantee all bugs are fixed, and the custom software solution works stable, we help you with any necessary adjustments based on users’ feedback and provide support with improvements and new features.
How can your business benefit from a custom software solution?


By leveraging custom software solutions, healthcare providers can improve patient care and streamline workflow and data analysis. Custom web and mobile apps can be used for managing electronic health records, assisting healthcare professionals in making clinical decisions, enabling remote consultations between healthcare professionals and patients, or simply for managing schedules and providing patients with their health information.


Custom software solutions are great for FinTech startups as they can be customized to meet the unique needs of the business. Custom Fintech software can include trading platforms, payment processing systems, asset management systems, mobile banking applications, and financial analytics software. All these types of software can be enhanced with advanced features like real-time market data, predictive analytics, and data visualization as well as advanced security features.


Hotel booking systems, airline reservation systems, and car rental systems are the most common examples of custom software solutions in the booking industry. Custom software can provide advanced features such as online reservations, automated check-in, seat selection, vehicle tracking, onboard activities planning, and more. By leveraging software, booking businesses can improve their operations, increase efficiency, and provide better services to their customers.

Real estate

Custom software solutions can ease maintenance tracking, and help buyers find properties that match their criteria through advanced search filters or map-based search. To add, they can provide potential buyers with a virtual tour of a property through 3D models, interactive floor plans, and detailed property information. All in all, by implementing custom software solutions, real estate businesses can improve their marketing and customer experience.


In this case, custom software solutions include e-commerce platforms, inventory management systems, customer relationship management systems, payment gateway integration, and shipping and logistics software. They can be enhanced with features like shopping carts, real-time inventory tracking, marketing automation, and fraud detection. By adopting these solutions, e-commerce businesses can enhance competitiveness and provide a better experience for their customers, leading to increased sales and revenue.

Our Projects

Peer-to-peer renting app
E-commerce app for the Scandinavian market
Coin Wallet
Coin Wallet
Coin Wallet
Free online bitcoin wallet for secure international transactions
Social platform built for sport bettors


How to start on a project with us?
If you have a development idea, you can work on a description of your project. Describe the functionality of the project from the user side, the features you want, and the business goals. But if you're having difficulties, you can consult our analysts, who will help you define what your custom software solution will be.
I have an idea for a startup, but I'm afraid of spending a lot of money on a custom software solution and burn out. What can you offer?
We recommend making a minimum viable product (MVP). MVP is the first version of an application with basic functionality. We prioritize the features to determine the main goals and then go into development. MVP allows you to quickly develop an app without spending a lot of time or money. The faster the product is released, the faster users will give you feedback to better understand how to improve your custom software solution.
Do you only do development? Or design too?
Ronas IT creates web and mobile applications for startups and businesses. We are a full-service software development company, which means you can get expertise at every stage of custom software solution development — from business analysis, user interface and experience design, and frontend and backend development to QA testing and maintenance — in one place.
How much does an MVP cost?

The development of any custom software solution development requires proper planning in terms of budget. A rough estimate for mobile or web MVP development at Ronas IT is 3–4 months and $40–50K.

P.S. Please note that this estimate is based on limited information. To get an accurate estimate of your project, leave a request, and our managers will contact you.

Can you improve my project?

Sure! Except for developing a custom software solution, we can enhance an existing one at your request. Here is a list of web and mobile services we can provide for your project:

  • Make the redesign
  • Add new features
  • Redo your app for a new platform
What is better, native or React Native app development?
If you want to get established on both iOS and Android at once, and you don't plan to have complex design and functionality, cross-platform development on React Native is your choice. But if you want to develop your custom software solution further and make it work with the phone hardware, or if you want to create an app for IoT, it is better to choose Swift or Kotlin development right away and start with one platform.
Will your team sign an NDA?
We offer our clients our own NDA template for signing, or we will sign your NDA document to make sure no one will steal your idea or disclose sensitive information.

Look at some customer reviews!

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Top 50
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companies on
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4.9 / 5
average rate
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