
Dedicated development teams

The dedicated team approach focuses on long-term project collaboration. This model mirrors an in-house team but without the complications associated with permanent employment. Hiring a dedicated team provides you with a select number of professionals solely committed to crafting your specific product.

Why choose our dedicated team?

When you hire our professionals, we guarantee exceptional service catered to your needs. We continuously maintain a pool of talented developers and designers ready to work on stimulating projects. By hiring a dedicated team, you can look forward to the following benefits:

Efficient team management

An outsourced team comes with built-in management and organized processes, saving you time. You won't need to spend precious hours on recruitment, interviews, onboarding, or dealing with subpar team members.

Faster time to market

With a dedicated software development team, work starts from day one, which speeds up the project completion time. A dedicated team focused solely on your product ensures swift delivery.


Our remote team promises cost-effectiveness in its name. You save on HR processes and other expenses associated with maintaining employees, such as salaries, burnouts, and motivation management.

Qualified vetted specialists

Choosing our dedicated team for custom software development of a long-term project assures quality and expertise. Our specialists have undergone multiple trainings, as we emphasize continuing education within our company.

Easy scalability

Should you decide to implement additional features or opt for a more complex design during your product's development, you can easily scale the project’s dedicated team to accommodate these changes without compromising the delivery timeline.

Focus on core activities

While we develop your application, you can concentrate on critical tasks like business strategy, marketing campaigns, and attracting new clients and partners.


We will equip a team with the right number of professionals to meet your needs. To achieve maximum efficiency, we will follow our standard workflow which we have developed over 17 years of working with clients from various industries.

  • 1
    Collecting information
    We begin by setting up a meeting to learn as much as possible about your requirements, plans, and preferences. After understanding your product, we provide an approximate estimate for the prospective project. If you decide to partner with us, we will start assembling a remote team to work on your application from start to finish and maintain it afterwards.
  • 2
    Elaborating UI/UX design
    Our in-house design team follows our shared design standard, ensuring the highest quality results. Our designers create and validate the design with you in stages, starting with references, then proceeding to create a mind map, drawing mock-ups, and finalizing with comprehensive design of all application screens ready for layout.
  • 3
    Developing your mobile or web product
    Depending on your requirements, our software development team will work tirelessly to bring your ideas to life. Our software team develops the functionality of the product using popular, current technologies, to provide you with up-to-date, scalable, and robust code. We have all the necessary professionals required to complete the project, such as frontend, backend, and mobile developers.
  • 4
    Deploying the application
    Once the coding is completed and your product is ready to be launched, we roll it out to the app stores or publish the website. You won't need to worry about the deployment process as it happens seamlessly as soon as the product creation is complete.
  • 5
    Maintenance and support
    Our collaboration doesn't have to stop after deployment. Our dedicated team can continue to maintain your product, ensuring stable performance, regular updates, and the prompt implementation of any required new features.

Would you like to collaborate with our dedicated development team? We are ready to offer our expert support.

Who’ll be in a team?

Depending on your project's objectives, we'll assemble a team that will ensure a smooth transition from one stage of your product development to the next. We never suffer from a lack of dedicated software developers or designers and always have professionals on standby in case the project requires team augmentation.

Project manager avatar
Project manager

This is going to be your guide in the process of your product creation. A project manager helps relay the client's requirements to the developers and designers, as well as streamline processes for optimal functionality. The manager is responsible for planning, controlling, and monitoring progress. This specialist will be your guide and liaison, ensuring that there are no misunderstandings and that all customer needs are fulfilled.

UI/UX designer avatar
UI/UX designer

Depending on the complexity of the task, the interface design can be created by one designer or by multiple designers. In our team, we have professionals with a wide range of skill sets. They can assist not only in creating logical and clean interfaces but also in developing brand identities, creating animated illustrations, devising creative landings, and assisting with graphic design. You won't need to limit your ideas to just applications or seek additional vendors. Our dedicated team has the capacity and skill to bring all of your ideas to life.

Frontend developer avatar
Frontend developer

A dedicated software developer who is responsible for building the user-facing part of the product. In other words, a frontend developer brings the designs created by our designers to life, making them functional. Our developers use widely recognized technologies in their coding. However, if required, we are always prepared to incorporate new tools into our tech stack.

Backend developer avatar
Backend developer

Backend developers manage the server side of the product, ensuring that data or services that are requested by the frontend system are delivered. They build the technology that powers the infrastructure of the product.

Mobile developer avatar
Mobile developer

If you decide to incorporate mobile development into your project, we'll assign a specialist who will transform the design and functionality into a mobile application. Our specialists are capable of building mobile apps for both Android and iOS platforms. Furthermore, we offer the option of cross-platform development using the React Native framework, which speeds up the rollout of the app on both platforms.

DevOps engineer avatar
DevOps engineer

Typically, development and deployment procedures cannot be executed without the assistance of DevOps engineers. We have specialists on our team who set up the product's infrastructure, ensure that the system performance is running smoothly, and take responsibility for the uninterrupted operation of the software.

Reviewer avatar

We consider the role of the reviewer as crucial, as they are responsible for ensuring that our design and code meet the required standards. Our workflow includes a review stage after the design phase to ensure that everything is appropriately drawn and applicable to the layout process. Another review takes place during development, with the same goal as in the design phase – to ensure that the code is clear, bug-free, and meets the client’s needs.

Our technologies

We utilize a variety of popular technologies that have proven to be versatile, efficient, and reusable.

While we're constantly updating our tech stack to meet modern challenges and experimenting with new technologies, you can always refer to our Tech Radar for the most current information.

However, the core of our development team's technology stack includes the following:



The most popular programming language


A framework that facilitates rapid development


A test-automation framework used for conducting unit tests


A set of tools designed to ensure API integrations function correctly



A library of components that accelerate the development process


A framework which allows for server-side rendering


These are building blocks for establishing fast and maintainable continuous integration


A stable and powerful scripting language


A high-level programming language used for creating large apps


React Native

This framework allows for simultaneous development for both iOS and Android


A toolset that simplifies the development process



This component is used for managing complex databases


An in-memory database designed to provide quick response times


A database program capable of handling large datasets



A platform that simplifies the development workflow


A tool for monitoring performance and tracking errors


This is an analytics and monitoring tool


Another monitoring solution


A system for storing logs from all apps and infrastructure

Mobile development


Web development


UI/UX design




Post-release maintenance



You can calculate your approximate MVP cost with our tool.


We have clients from various industries, including logistics, retail, delivery, travel, and more, who’ve already chosen our Dedicated Development Teams service. Learn more about their experience to consider your choice in favor of our dedicated software development


A cross-platform application for renting items, built within 3 months to test the business idea on the market.

Reasons to choose a dedicated development team:

  • leverage technical expertise in hybrid mobile application development 

  • resolve design issues

  • simplify complex user flow

  • speed up the development process while reducing costs


UK Retreats

A mobile-first web app enabling users to search for accommodations, view photos, and contact landlords.

Reasons to choose a dedicated development team:

  • monetize social media following

  • integrate the app with map functionality, subscription services, and an admin panel

  • build a booking platform which will pay off

UK Retreats
UK Retreats


Our dedicated team developed 4 applications to automate processes and attract customers for a dry cleaning service, resulting in 47,521 orders placed by customers.

Reasons to choose a dedicated development team:

  • understand business needs and translate them into a user-friendly app

  • develop for multiple user types

  • have continued support after the product launch

  • ensure consistency in the project's execution



A cross-platform app for bettors to follow other users, track odds boosts, and read betting news.

Reasons to choose a dedicated development team:

  • rapidly create a cross-platform mobile app within a tight deadline of 10 weeks

  • integrate specific features

  • have continued support after the product launch

  • ensure consistency in the project's execution



A delivery auction service in Saudi Arabia, where customers post shipment requests and transporters bid on them.

Reasons to choose a dedicated development team:

  • design and develop a complex multi-role application

  • integrate various third-party tools

  • be sure the app's performance is optimized at all times



Three apps created to facilitate local food distribution and connect farmers with consumers using the Noah platform.

Reasons to choose a dedicated development team:

  • create a robust platform

  • get an expertise in UI/UX design, mobile and web development, and branding

  • implement integration with third-party services

  • complete the project before the start of the harvest season

  • get post-release support



How long does it usually take for a project to be completed from start to finish?
The duration of a project depends on its complexity, the number of features, and the design's intricacy. Longer projects may take several months from initiation to implementation, while a minimum viable product (MVP) might be completed in 3–4 weeks.
Is it possible to negotiate the cost of hiring a dedicated development team?
Please note that the prices given on our Dedicated Development Team's service page are just an indication of how much a project might cost. Your project's cost will be individually calculated based on our fixed hourly rates. You'll receive a detailed estimation before we proceed to development, outlining an approximate timeline and costs for each feature's design and development.
How do you ensure data security while developing the products?
Our priority is using approved, ready solutions for security, such as GCP, AWS, Azure, RDS, Cloud SQL, Auth0, Cloudflare, k8s, GitLab, etc. Using these secure, ready-made solutions not only reduces development costs and increases speed but also maintains a high level of security. We adopt security approaches such as the least privilege and fine-grained access. Even dedicated development team members do not have full access to all parts of the project.
How do your project managers ensure timely and efficient execution of the project?
The choice of methodology depends on the specific needs of each project and its client. We often use the Scrumban approach, which works effectively for the majority of our projects due to its flexibility and predictability. In some situations, we adopt the Waterfall model, especially when a client requests a specific deliverable with no alterations. When choosing a project management methodology, we consider several factors, including the project's deadlines, budget, and overall requirements. Our primary focus remains adaptability, as we recognize that different clients have varying needs.
How frequently will I receive updates about the project’s progress?
Typically, our dedicated development teams work in 2-week sprints. However, we can provide weekly updates or more regular reports, depending on your preference. We prioritize transparency, which means you'll have access to the team's internal processes and progress. Our team manager will also be in regular contact with you.
Is there a minimum or maximum duration for which I can hire your dedicated development team?
We don't have any duration restrictions for collaboration. Our team is happy to work with you as long as required. Many clients continue to use our services to implement updates, develop web or mobile versions of their applications, or for ongoing maintenance and support. While we cannot complete a project in just a few days, we always strive to deliver the best possible results within the shortest timeframe.
How do I know that the members of the dedicated team on my project have the best skill set?
All our team members adhere to the design and development standards that we have established over our 17 years of operation. We foster a learning atmosphere within our team, ensuring that every member benefits from the collective knowledge of the group. In addition, many of our specialists started as interns, giving us confidence in their skills since we were directly involved in their training.
How will the dedicated team approach benefit my project particularly?
The dedicated team approach ensures that a group of professionals is solely focused on your project. This results in a much faster time to market and means your product has the team's full expertise, creativity, and problem-solving abilities applied to it. You also have the flexibility to scale the team up or down based on the project's requirements at various stages of development.
Can I have a say in the selection of the dedicated development team?
Yes, absolutely. We believe in collaboration and transparency, and we consider our clients' preferences and feedback crucial in forming a successful team. We aim to match you with developers and other team members who align with your project's requirements, goals, and company culture. Your approval is important in deciding the team composition.
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