Insurance mobile app development

An article cover illustrates that the text is dedicated to insurance mobile app development and discusses different types of policies. We see a wallet, piles of money, statistics, a car, an umbrella, a calendar, and a paw symbolizing different insurances.

Mobile apps allow people to perform actions that once required personal presence or manual paperwork; the insurance industry is no exception. The period of the pandemic drastically changed our patterns of behavior, and due to it, every aspect of life that could go online went online. Circumstances changed over time; however, the convenience of one-click action stayed within society. According to stats, InsurTech has declined after the pandemic since its peak in 2021. Yet, experts believe experts believe that it's an indicator of the next wave of development with generative technologies.

Insurtech investment saw annual growth from $348 million in 2012 to a peak of $15,799 million in 2021. However, investment declined significantly thereafter, reaching $912 million in 2024.
Investment decrease since 2021 in the InsurTech field reported by Gallagher Re

To preserve their place on the market, businesses have to compete in offering the best online experience to users. Avoiding custom mobile app development is impossible in such a context. Overall satisfaction with insurance apps experience was measured as positive in the US, with 83 and 84 points out of 100 for property and casualty insurances and health insurances, respectively.

In this article, we'll talk about the key parts of insurance mobile app development that make the product last long. We'll explore types of insurance apps, how they are built, as well as the cost and timeframe of insurance app development. First, let's talk about more reasons why an insurance agency may need an app, apart from digitalization.

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What an insurance company needs a mobile app for

Actually, all benefits of insurance mobile app development can be summed up in three words: enhancing user experience (UX). You might ask what about the revenue. Well, demand creates supply, meaning that when the needs of users are met, the ROI is going to be profitable. Still, let's name the reasons for insurance app development.

Claims processing automation

While in distress, the last thing you want to do is handwrite a claim and carry it to the insurance company. With today's technology, users can file claims, share documents, and track progress from anywhere.

Providing services

Today, some banks don't have physical customer service offices, which saves on staff and maintenance costs. Visiting an application can replace visiting offices.

Customers support

An insurance app can provide a compendium of frequently asked questions, which will also help you save on human resources. The phone call should be the last measure after a customer studies the app. And if a customer needs one, then it should be possible to address the issue in the in-app chat with a specialist.

Instant payments

Users should have an opportunity to make in-app premium payments and set up automatic prolongation. To implement it, you need third-party integrations, which we'll discuss further. Having an automated payment system in the app where customers can sign documents and pay makes the sales process smoother.

Cross-selling and up-selling

When a company's offerings are accessible on an app, customers are more likely to explore and buy more insurances, for example, pay attention to both automotive and health policies. While in other contexts, customers might hesitate to buy or even not know about certain services.

Market analysis

Analytics becomes easier when an insurance company can track user preferences and behavior. As a result, businesses can adapt to the demand taking into account the gained insights.

Insurance mobile app types

Now that we see how important it is for a company to have a mobile application, let's discuss what types of apps are there. Some might think they should be organized by insurance types like vehicle, property, life, travel, business, and health insurance apps. However, most agencies offer several and more types of premiums to their customers.

Ronas IT's insurance mobile app design concept, showcasing three screens. The first screen displays a menu with all available insurance plans. The second screen is a starting page featuring a "Go" button. The third screen is the user profile, allowing users to file claims for insured events, manage active insurance policies, and view a history of inactive policies.
An example of an insurance mobile app design concept bringing together different insurances, by Ronas IT

We can distinguish insurance app types based on user roles. We can develop an app for customers and a pairing application for agents. And in addition to it, there should be an admin panel for insurance management. What features should these apps have?

Customer application

The main goal is to show customers the services and provide them with a safe and easy way to purchase. The essential features of the insurance mobile app for customers include:

Registration and log-in

For secure access, users should have personal accounts in the app with two-factor authentication for logging in.

Comprehensive dashboard

The application should be clear and accessible to users. It should be easy to view the services offered.

Policy search

The insurance mobile app should allow for keyword search. Filtering search results improves the user experience by making it easier to find what they're looking for.

Policy information

Each policy profile should provide customers with comprehensive information such as benefits, pricing, terms, conditions, and other relevant details.

Documents uploading

To automate paper flow, the ability to upload documents should be a key feature of the application.

Claims processing

Users should be able to file claims, submit documents, and track the status of claims.

Payment gateway

The app should provide users with a secure payment gateway and multiple payment methods for an optimal user experience.

Push notifications

Updating users about expiry dates, due dates, deals, and other key information boosts user involvement, which can lead to more sales.

Feedback and support

Insurance mobile app development includes effective customer support. There should be multiple ways of getting help like contacting managers or consulting a chatbot. Comprehensive support positively influences the impression of the services that users receive.

Agent application

The purpose of this app is to help agents react timely to users' inquiries such as claims or support and further enhance the user experience. An application can include the following features:

Customer database

To speed up the feedback, an agent should have immediate access to the database that contains details about the premiums, client's purchase history and other necessary user data. Usually, this part is dealt with by an integrated CRM.

Policy information

Agents should have access to all policy details, terms, conditions, and benefits so they can give accurate advice to customers.

Commission tracking

An app should have functionality for agents to track their commission on each policy sold.

Appointment manager

If an insurance company has client offices, there should be a task management tool in the app to help agents book appointments.

Claims handling

Agents should be able to assist customers with claims processing and keep track of claim statuses.

However, you don't have to build pairing apps. There are other ways to digitize insurance business so that it pays off. And it doesn't have to be created by a single insurance company.

Peer-to-peer app

It's a decentralized model with people pooling their resources together to cover insurance. Peer-to-peer (P2P) insurance helps to save money on claims costs and benefits from collective risk management. While this model seems to benefit only the users and not the agencies, like every P2P, there are many ways to make money.

Here is how you can earn from this model:

  • Membership fees: the most obvious way of monetization for such applications.
  • Business partnerships: partnering with insurance agencies can be a way for commission or referral fees.
  • Value-added services: this can involve providing extra services such as expedited claim processes, consulting, or access to exclusive groups.
  • Advertising: when an app has a large user base, advertising can become a good revenue source. However, it's important not to overwhelm users with inserting ads in every possible place.
Screens from the Lemonade insurance mobile app showcasing car insurance features. The first screen lists the drivers covered by the policy. The second screen displays car details and offers options to request roadside assistance, report a crash, and view the insurance ID card. The third screen shows a chat with a personal insurance assistant.
Lemonade app is one of the most popular P2P apps in the insurance industry

Platform for multiple agencies

The P2P model focuses on customers and gives them freedom of choice, but there's another way to develop insurance mobile apps which is to create an aggregator for agencies. This type of app allows users to compare different agencies and find the most suitable ones. An app creator can charge agencies for listing their services and charge users a subscription fee.

Its main benefit is that it allows a business owner to earn from multiple sources and attract a larger audience of potential customers, giving them a wider choice. Additionally, it can involve monetization models similar to P2P systems.

In addition to an app: Admin panel

Insurance companies may only have mobile apps for the customers without a pairing app for the agents, but they cannot go without an admin panel where all the info is stored and managed.

Customer management

The functionality should enable managers to track customers' information, manage accounts, view claim history, assign customers to agents, and resolve complaints and inquiries.

Agents management

As well as for customers, an admin panel should include information about agents.

Policy management

All manipulations with insurance policies should be controlled by the admin, including adding, updating, or removing.

Payment and claim processing

A manager should be able to oversee the progress of claim approvals and denials as well as payments processing.


To get a full image of the business, there should be an opportunity to view the analytics and reports. There are multiple ways of how this can be done. Usually, third-party integrations are involved.

User support

If a customer or agent's questions can't be answered by the info provided, they should be directed to the admin panel and a manager should answer them.

Want to build an insurance mobile app with similar features? Let's bring your MVP to life!

Apps based on policy type

Let's imagine an agency that specializes in a particular type of insurance. We can consider additional features for the insurance application that may help it stand out among competitors. To this end, we will examine various types of insurance, offer three competitive features for each, and explore the interfaces of example apps.

Health insurance application

This type of app typically involves three stakeholders: healthcare policy providers, hospitals, and individuals. An application may focus strictly on managing policies, or it may integrate with a healthcare application, enabling users to track claims as well as schedule GP appointments.


  • Appointment management
  • Real-time insurance verification
  • Prescription management
A screenshot of the UnitedHealthcare mobile app. The interface displays member cards, the number of claims, rewards, and spending.
An example of a health insurance application is UnitedHealthcare

Car insurance application

These apps assist drivers in protecting their vehicles and submitting claims in the event of an accident. Insurance companies seeking to add complexity to an app could consider integrating Internet of Things (IoT) devices. These gadgets connect to a car insurance app and report data based on user behavior.


  • Repair estimates
  • Car services map
  • Predictive maintenance
Three screens of the GEICO car insurance mobile app. The first screen showcases a user profile with options to view ID cards, request roadside assistance, and view bills. Another screen shows billing details, allowing users to manage their bill. The final screen demonstrates an augmented reality feature for scanning personal property.
GEICO's car insurance mobile app is one such example

Life insurance application

Life insurance applications aim to provide payments in emergency situations such as terminal illness, disability, or death. These apps don't necessitate extensive communication between policyholders and insurance providers but they might still include specific features.


  • Personalized amounts of coverage
  • Beneficiary designations
  • Expedited approval
Three screenshots of the Ladder life insurance mobile application featuring a minimalist black and white design. The screens display calls to action encouraging users to create an account. The screens are decorated with illustrations of people.
Ladder life insurance mobile application

Home insurance application

These insurance apps protect properties in case of damage and can integrate with smart home devices such as door, water, and fire sensors.


  • Smart device alerts
  • Damage prevention tips
  • Emergency assistance
A screenshot of the Lemonade insurance mobile app displaying a home insurance screen. The screen features a house icon and the quote "Protect the stuff you love from things like... theft and vandalism, fire and smoke, water and steam." Each type of insured event is accompanied by an illustration: a broken lock (representing theft and vandalism), a steaming toaster (representing fire and smoke), and a leaking sink pipe (representing water and steam).
Home insurance management on Lemonade mobile app

Travel insurance application

Travel insurance apps assist travelers in emergency situations such as sickness, baggage loss, and flight cancellation. Traveling can already be stressful, and so travel insurance aims to mitigate consequences should anything go wrong.


  • Medical directory
  • Travel tips
  • Health and safety advice
Three screenshots of the Allyze insurance mobile app. The first screen displays a welcome page with the Allyze logo, a photo of a smiling girl with curly hair, and text inviting users to log in. A button prompts users to log in. The second screen shows a hospital finder feature with a map that allows users to locate nearby hospitals. The third screen presents options to view insurance plans, claims, and travel information.
Allyz travel insurance app by Allianz company

Pet insurance application

These insurance apps cover veterinary expenses if a pet becomes ill or injured. An application can integrate with any services related to pet care.


  • Customizable coverage for your pet
  • Integration with pet care services
  • Map of veterinary clinics
Three screens of the MetLife pet insurance mobile app. The first screen displays policies, covered pets, active claims, and important updates. The second screen shows claim details, a progress bar, and claim-related notifications. For example, the progress bar indicates a claim has been received but is missing information, and a notification reads "Flapjack's claim is missing an invoice. Tap to provide." The third screen displays a completed claim with details on dental cleaning expenses.
MetLife pet insurance mobile application

Business insurance application

Business insurance covers company losses associated with unexpected events such as property damage, business interruption due to strikes and other circumstances, the defense of lawsuits, libel, and more.


  • Policies tailored to a business's specific needs
  • Cybersecurity offers
  • Reports of incidents in the area
Four screens from the Next business insurance mobile app. The first screen features an anthropomorphic illustration of a mobile app holding a document in its left hand, likely a claim. The text reads "Coverage in your pocket." The second screen displays proof of insurance and offers the option to create a custom certificate. The third screen shows the starting page for customizing a certificate. The fourth screen displays a list of individuals who have followed the user's life certificate.
Next Insurance mobile application for businesses

Mobile insurance application

Mobile insurance apps help smartphone users protect their devices against various risks such as theft, damage, or loss. Smartphones are increasingly becoming more expensive and ensuring their security is worth considering. A mobile insurance app gives a cell phone user peace of mind.


  • Device lock and data wipe
  • Lost phone tracking
  • Map of repairment points
A screenshot of the AKKO Gadget Insurance mobile app home screen. The screen displays a list of covered items with their corresponding serial numbers. Users can view the covered items or add a new item by clicking on the respective button.
AKKO offers coverage for different devices, including TV, laptop, and mobile insurance

Of course, there are more types of policies in the insurance industry than those mentioned above, and excellent applications designed to enhance the user experience can be developed for each one.

Killer features

In addition to the core functionality, there are always ways to enhance the UX and make an app stand out among other offerings.

Better security

Insurance mobile apps handle sensitive data and money transfers, so they need strong security features, especially in the case of health insurance app development. This should involve biometric and multi-factor authentication, and end-to-end encryption.

AI chatbot

This technology has become an essential part of development for nearly all digital services, and it shouldn't be neglected in insurance technology. AI chatbots can quickly answer user questions, eliminating the need for them to dig through the FAQ section. In addition, these chatbots can recommend the most suitable insurance policies and remind users about their premiums.

In 2024, artificial intelligence (AI) dominated Insurtech investments, attracting over $70 million. Other technologies, including predictive analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), mHealth, computer vision, developer APIs, geospatial, and greentech, received less than $10 million in funding.
Artificial intelligence was the top investment in InsurTech in 2023

Real-time tracking

This feature adds value to user experience. While filing a claim, a user should be able to track its progress in real-time and be notified of any status changes. Real-time tracking assures users that everything is under control.

Quotes and policies comparison

If you are creating an aggregator that enables different agencies to post their quotes, you can provide users with a smart comparison feature. This would help users review different offers and select the best one.

Steps in insurance mobile app development

After learning about the types of insurance mobile apps that can be built, let's look at the steps involved in their development. The following system represents the steps taken in a full-cycle insurance app development as it is usually performed at Ronas IT.

Step 1. Gathering information

Before proceeding to design and development of the product, it is important to validate the idea behind the potential product. Often, entrepreneurs may aim for complex projects with intricate features from the outset, which can result in significant costs. In such cases, it is advisable to discuss the planned budget and prioritize developing essential features first. After the first version of the app is released, you can add features gradually depending on the business and user needs.

Step 2. UI/UX design

Once the requirements have been gathered, designers begin creating the user interface. At Ronas IT, designers use Figma, which makes it easy to share progress with clients and maintain transparency. First, they create mockups with the main functionality, and after getting approval, they start designing interface screens. Designers create a user flow map encompassing all app logic, working on each role of the application on separate pages. For example, in an insurance application, they would create an agent app flow and a client app flow. To hand out the design to developers, designers make a UI kit, which is a collection of reusable elements of the application such as buttons, icons, indicators, tags, and so on.

Step 3. Mobile app development

After the design is compiled in a Figma file, it is passed on to the software development team. The development teams typically work in 2–3 week sprints, showing the results to the client at the end of each sprint. However, if you prefer, a team can provide reports more frequently. To create a robust insurance app, it's not enough to implement all the features and make the interface clickable. The main criteria for creating a reliable app are building scalable infrastructure and writing clear code on the development phase.

Step 4. Release to the stores

The process of insurance app deployment should be handled meticulously and with close adherence to the App Store and Google Play guidelines. Instructions are available both on the official platforms and elsewhere on the internet. But if a company works with a reliable vendor, the software development company will help publish the application and pass the review process.

Step 5. Post-release support and maintenance

Following the release of the insurance app to the stores, an ongoing cycle of improvements and upgrades begins. This stage involves implementing additional features, fixing bugs, promptly responding to user feedback, providing updates, and monitoring the app's performance. Post-release maintenance is typically offered as a subscription-based service.

Insurance mobile app tech solutions

There are several approaches to insurance app development. One option is to use native languages for iOS and Android, while another is to use cross-platform solutions. Let's examine both approaches, exploring their advantages and disadvantages.

Native development

Native development means using a language designed for a specific operating system, like iOS or Android. For instance, if you want to make an Android app and release it on the Google Play Store, you'd use Kotlin or Java. Conversely, for iOS applications released to the App Store, developers may use Swift or Objective-C.

Advantages of writing applications with native languages include the fact that they swiftly receive all the updates to correspond with the latest OS updates. As a result, building with them provides an enhanced user experience. Additionally, being supported by operating systems vendors, native languages promise longevity and robustness.

Disadvantages of native development are associated with the fact that engineers build apps for different operating systems with different programming languages. Therefore, if a client decides to cover users of both platforms, development will cost more because it requires building two separate codebases. The latter introduces another challenge, which is maintenance. When an app needs an update, developers have to do it for each platform independently, which does not save resources at all.


Cross-platform development involves using a single codebase for both iOS and Android. There are several cross-platform frameworks, including Flutter, React Native, Xamarin, Ionic, NativeScript, and others. At Ronas IT, we prefer React Native, which was launched in 2015 by Meta Platforms. React Native has a large community of technical specialists and focuses on creating a native-like UI experience.

Advantages of cross-platform development include economy of all resources as it allows for developing for two platforms at once. It makes it easier to maintain and update apps for both OSs. Due to the shared codebase, cross-platform development provides consistency to user experience across platforms.

Disadvantages of cross-platform frameworks include dependency on third-party libraries and, as a result, performance limitations as they don't have direct access to platform APIs. Nevertheless, we've built multiple platforms with the React Native cross-platform framework and never faced complaints on performance of the apps.

The choice between the two technologies heavily depends on business needs — whether a company wants to invest in native insurance app development and its high performance or opt for saving resources and easier maintenance with cross-platform development.

Insurance mobile app development costs and timeframe estimation

First of all, the average insurance app development cost and time estimation can only be vaguely calculated as it depends on the complexity of insurance application features and technologies used. However, let's have a short look at factors influencing this estimation.


As a starting point, we'll take an application with basic features. Currently, in 2024, it might cost somewhere between $25,000 to $40,000. Everything that exceeds basic functionality, for example, real-time claims management or AI chatbot might cost over $50,000.

In addition to the app complexity, the cost depends on many other factors. One of them is a region where an insurance app development team is based. Thus, a company located in North America will charge more than one in Asian countries. For example, the salary of a Kotlin developer per year in the US is estimated by Glassdoor at a range of $102,000–$149,000, while in India, an Android developer earns $48,000 to $120,000.

We have written a series of articles dedicated to international costs on web development services. Even though it compares prices in the web sector, it can help make up your mind on the most suitable region to work with in terms of pricing:

Finding the perfect fit: Exploring web app development services in Asia

Finding the perfect fit: Exploring web app development services in Europe

Finding the perfect fit: Exploring web app development services in the USA

Apart from region, the approach to insurance app development can influence costs. We've spoken about the difference between native and cross-platform development. The average salary of Android, iOS, and React Native developers goes as this:

Android developer salaryiOS developer salaryReact Native developer salary

Of course, it's only possible to give an accurate project estimate once a client has defined all functionalities, usually determined after the UI/UX design stage. For this reason, at Ronas IT, we provide our clients with two estimates — before starting the project and after the interface design is complete.

Receive an estimation of insurance app development before its start.


Like costs, the timeframe to develop an insurance mobile app varies greatly due to the same factors mentioned above. A basic insurance app can be built between 2 to 3 months, while a more complex one might take over 6 months to develop.

Among the factors that influence delivery time, for example, is design complexity; the UI might include animations or 3D graphics, which would certainly take longer to create. Another factor that could extend performance time is the implementation of third-party integrations. As a result of having complex features, the testing and reviewing processes will take longer, further adding to the overall timeframe.

Of course, it also depends on the size of the team working on a project. So, it's easier to work with companies that have a good reputation in the market as they can adjust their team size to meet the client's deadlines if needed.

For instance, at Ronas IT, we can offer different plans for custom mobile app development, giving the clients a choice of a timeframe. It is worth noting that despite the time difference between the offers, our team doesn't compromise on quality. We have enough specialists to expand the project team and therefore deliver the project by the required deadline. You can check out the service page for more details.


Overall, insurance mobile app development enhances user experiences and speeds up processes, from claims processing to instant payments. Regardless of whether an insurance company operates on a peer-to-peer model, or as an individual agency or a platform for multiple agencies, a well-developed mobile app provides a competitive advantage. Implementing advanced features such as generative AI, real-time tracking, and IoT integrations helps insurers stay ahead of the curve.

Any idea can be turned into reality with custom software development, and Ronas IT will gladly become your insurance app development company to help you achieve its realization.

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